The authors are requested to strictly follow the submission guidelines.
- The manuscript must be written in the English Language.
- The file must be in Microsoft Word format with 1.5 line spacing on an A4 size Page.
- The font of the manuscript must be Times New Roman with 12 font size.
- List all the authors with their organizational affiliation & e-mail id of the corresponding author.
- The submission must not be published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
- All manuscript must include a maximum of 250 words abstract. Add about 4 to 5 keywords one line below the abstract.
- The manuscript should be within 20-25 pages, including references & annexures.
- Figures must be clear with a descriptive heading.
- For the ‘Sanskrit’ Language, the font must be in BARAH 11.
Italic font style should be used in the main text for Ayurvedic /
Sanskrit terms and botanical names / Latin names and the nearest English terminology has to be included in
the bracket against the Sanskrit terms.
- If the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors transfer the copyrights to the Journal.
Arrange the manuscript in the following order
Abstract and keywords
Materials and methods
Observations and Results
References must be according
Standard Journal Article
Authorʹs initials. Surname, Journal Name, Year, Volume (Issue), Page No.
Author(s) of book, Initials. Surname, “Title of book”, Publisher., Edition, Year of publication, Page no.
Figures (photographs, drawings, diagrams, and charts) are to be numbered in one consecutive series in the order in which they are cited in the text and abbreviated as Figure X. The captions for figures should be typed on a separate sheet of paper.
REVIEW ARTICLES- Review articles should be about 15 pages and contain up-to-date information providing comprehensive coverage of relevant literature. All format requirements are similar to those applicable to Research papers. Review Articles need not be divided into sections such as Materials and methods, and Results and discussion, but should definitely have an abstract and introduction.